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Explore the difference between non-standard automation and standard automation

Release Date:2024-05-15 11:09:36 Popularity:

  With the continuous development of technology, automation technology is widely used in various industries. In the field of automation, we often hear two terms: non-standard automation and standard automation. Although they both aim to improve productivity and quality, there are obvious differences in practice. In this article, we will discuss the differences between non-standard automation and standard automation in terms of keywords.

Explore the difference between non-standard automation and standard automation

  1. Flexibility and customization:

  - Non-standard automation: non-standard automation focuses more on flexibility and customization. It applies to the more complex production line, product differences. Non-standard automation system can be adjusted and customized according to the needs of different products to meet the diverse production needs.

  - Standard automation: In contrast, standard automation is more oriented to mass production and mass production. Its design is more inclined to a one-time investment of large amounts of money to establish efficient production lines for the production of relatively single, large-scale products.

  2. Cost and investment:

  - Non-standard automation: Due to the need for customization and adjustment for different products, non-standard automation systems usually require higher investment costs. However, with the continuous development and maturity of the technology, its operating costs gradually reduced, and has a high degree of flexibility and adaptability.

  - Standard automation: Standard automation usually has a higher initial investment, but due to its relatively stable production process, the operating costs are relatively low. In mass production, standard automation can produce products at lower unit costs.

Explore the difference between non-standard automation and standard automation

  3. Scope of application:

  - Non-standard automation: non-standard automation is more suitable for scenarios that require quick response to market changes and flexible adjustment of production lines. Especially in customized products and small batch production, non-standard automation has obvious advantages.

  - Standard automation: Standard automation is more suitable for stable production demand and mass production. It can realize high production efficiency and consistent product quality, and is suitable for highly repetitive production tasks.

  4. Technical requirements and complexity:

  - Non-standard automation: Due to the need to customize and adjust for different products, the technical requirements of non-standard automation systems are higher, and there may be some complexity in the implementation process. Professional engineers and technical teams are needed for design, commissioning and maintenance.

  - Standard automation: In contrast, the technical requirements of standard automation systems are relatively low because their production processes are relatively fixed and stable. Once established, standard automation systems are usually easier to operate and maintain.

Explore the difference between non-standard automation and standard automation

  In practice, companies need to choose the right automation method based on their own production needs, product characteristics and market positioning. Sometimes, a combination of non-standard automation and standard automation can also be adopted to give full play to their respective advantages and realize more efficient production and management.

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